You have the option to import records from other Daily Diaries into the Daily Diary you are working on by making use of the "import" function, saving you from having to re-capture the records from scratch.
To use the import feature, follow these steps:
Open the Daily Diary you want to import records into
ℹ️ You can only import records into Daily Diaries which are in Draft mode
Click the "Import" button next to the section you want to copy records into
Now pick a date from the calendar and the records from the corresponding Daily Diary will appear underneath the calendar
Tick the checkboxes next to the records you want to copy (tick the checkbox in the header row to select all records)
Finally, click on the "Import" button at the bottom of the screen to complete the import.
ℹ️ You can click on the ellipsis next to any imported record to remove or edit it as you would for records you created manually.